dimanche, août 31, 2008

G is for "Green, garden", "Gloves/gants", "Géraniums", "girouettes "

" Greensleeves" is one of my favourite songs ...


Gants...de Dandy ?

"Glamour", le musée Christian Dior à Granville !

Ma collection de Gants-1 laine, rouge et noir, façon Jeanne Mas-2-Velours- 3-Voile-4-laine , bicentenaire de la Révolution française-

Géraniums in a green garden


Mrsnesbitt is our hostess, please, visit :

And for more"G"wednesday, visit ABC Anthology:

26 commentaires:

  1. Glamorous Gloves with Geraniums - and with Greesleaves too! What more could one want from a G?

    I enjoyed this post!

  2. Me again: Re your comment - there were no seaweed. What you see, especially in the first picture, are reflections from a lot lot of sailing vessels that were moored just out of sight. We had the Tall Ships' Races just then.

  3. Anonyme10:08 PM

    You really have a nice set of photos here and I like them as you presented them. Nice work.

    I only got one Grumpy Alien posted for "G." He is at Thunder Maker

  4. greensleaves... that takes me back a few years, my dad loved it.

  5. Lovely assortment for G. So girouettes are what we call weather vanes?

  6. That was a great group of G's!

  7. Very nice "G" photos! I particularly like the weathervanes on the houses, but all the photos are great.

  8. A lovely collection of G's. Nicely photographed.

  9. Ah, bien fait! J'aime vos gants et les girouettes. Merci! :D

  10. beautiful set of Gs!

    G is for Ganpati Bappa Morya! To find out what it means click here

  11. Moi aussi j'aime bien Greenleaves.

  12. Très bien miss Yves! J'aime les Géraniums: j'ai aussi beaucoup de géraniums dans mon jardin.

  13. Certainly glamorous but I prefer your gloves with bows on them.

  14. i especially like the weather vanes. :)

  15. Que de thème en une seul publication.
    Bonne journée.

  16. Wonderful choices for ABC Wednesday G.

    Bear((( )))

  17. Lovely pictures of life. I'd love to sit there in your quiet garden. Your "Greensleeves" has me singing the Christmas carol and wishing it were winter already and cold enough for gloves.
    Thanks for visiting the Golem. I'll go now and look for your sculpture posts.

  18. wow....some very good "G"s....love the lacy glove!
    Mine is here.

  19. Hi, Miss Yves! Le jardin est très jolie! Loved your gloves' collection, so full of style!
    Green is my fav color, btw.

    Kisses from here!

  20. Un post Géant pour G !
    Su j'ai vu clair, j'ai vu une girouette cochon du tonnerre !

  21. Are there any French words to 'Greensleeves'?

  22. Je te souhaite bonne chance pour l'expo de ce soit !

  23. Une affectueuse pensée pour toi, Miss qui portes sans doute en ce moment des gants qui habillent tes mains moites d'émotion
    Peut être pas ? Je suis sûre que cela se passe très, très bien.

    Lorsque j'étais ado, je fréquentais "le gant d'or" une boutique d'Epinal. Nous devions poser le coude sur le comptoir et la gantière nous passait pour les essayer les gants de cuir. Je n'étais pas une dandy, c'était juste nécessaire de porter des gants dans les Vosges en hiver. Il y fait froid.

  24. Your garden is lovely, and the wind-vanes are absolutely delightful!


Gravure au MAH de Saint-Lô (3)

Notes exotiques Influence de l'orient (motifs, composition...) Fleur exotique, Manet, 1868, Musée Thomas Henry, Cherbourg