vendredi, février 01, 2008

"C"for "Cloud" ABC -Wednesday round 2

Arnold lobel wrote a tale in which a young mouse sees funny or stranges chapes in a cloudy sky...
(Could you tell me if you see somethig else than white clouds in this photo ??)

Baudelaire, a famous poet, praises the beauty of clouds which make him dream and bring to him some freedom:"J'aime les nuages, les merveilleux nuages..."

Cumulus, cirrus, cumulo nimbus have so fantastic shapes !
Don't you imagine in this blue sky a marble God's bust?

Examine this picture:
Fantasy?No reality, of course!A
God seen by a lunatic or a poet? No, a mere statue created by one of the sculptors of Cerisy-la -Forêt!
However, its colour and material look like clouds!

In the square of Trouville (Calvados, France) the statue of Gustave Flaubert illustrates this idiomatic expression:
"to have one's head in the clouds"

25 commentaires:

  1. Liked the female sculpture

  2. Hi Phtograff
    That a great C for CLOUDS and head in the clouds, and I like the photo's all very much Thanks.
    Se m Dustch carnaval and cows...

    JoAnn Holland
    Participant in ABC wednesday

  3. Nice photos.
    I see a lady in the first cloud.
    She is resting.
    Happy ABC! :)

  4. It is better to have one's head in the clouds than buried in the sand...

  5. I see a water tower :)

  6. Clouds are more interesting to read than tea leaves!

  7. I often have my head in the clouds...always plenty of room! LOL!

  8. That is too funny. The one with the head in the cloud, wonder how many people are doing that LOL Great C post

  9. Interesting post. I like the second statue best.

  10. I love the bird hat. Got to go back to look for pictures in the clouds. What fun!

  11. Ida, I also see a lady who is resting...
    Quelle imagination, HPY!
    Of course, Runee!
    Miss Yves

  12. A sleeping lady in the first.
    Lovely photos.

  13. Interesting statues and beautiful clouds!

  14. Pretty clouds. Interesting statues.

    As for the caboose, it used to be the last car on the train and was usually red. When you saw the caboose, it meant it was the end of the train. Children always loved to wait for the red caboose. Today they do not use the caboose anymore.

  15. Commendable Clouds!

  16. Anonyme10:58 PM

    Trés magnifique. (Very wonderful) :)

  17. You have made a great exploration of the clouds.

  18. Thank you for your kind comments.
    Miss Yves

  19. Nice clods. I like too see how different photo all is coming up whit. Looking forward to the next round.
    And to morrow it is sky wath .

  20. nice fluffy clouds! :D

  21. Hmmmmm I saw a whale in the clouds . . . will have to go abck and look for this lady everyone sees.

  22. I have put a link to your wonderful Photograff in because these are indeed pictures that I love!
    Best Regards.......Michael

  23. LOL! I love pigeon on the head of the statue, all very nice. :-D

    Thanks so much Miss Yves for your nice comments.

    To answer your question, I am a local artist in the Detroit area. I used to be much more well-known when I lived in Upstate NY where I had a number of shows. I have yet to have one here in Detroit.

    Nice blog.


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