samedi, février 16, 2008

"E" for "envelope"/ / Enveloppe et Ecriture -ABC Wednesday- Round 2-

Envelopes are essential in mail art!(Art postal-art posté)

Expensive ?Certainly not! Decorated envelopes only need creativity!Recycled paper is enough...

Examine this little exhibition : your eyes will round with wonder!

Elegant style of painting, drawing, handwriting is obvious.
Nice stamps have been choosen with taste to decorate the envelopes and to deal the subject about reading: my bedside book, my favorite Character
-Mon livre de chevet, mon personnage préféré... Read and note the address of the public library:You also can send a letter in a beautiful envelope!
Two rules of mail art: "to take up one's pen" :"Prendre la plume "
"to get out one's smartest note paper ":"prendre sa plus belle plume"...

And later: Ear, Etna

22 commentaires:

  1. Lovely versions here. :)
    A hand written envelope is personal and gratifying.

  2. I've been involved with a few mail-art projects in the past though not recently. One of the best was contrbuting to the Minden 2000 celebrations - I got a video recording later of all the mail-art sent in from around the world.

  3. Mail art is so-o-o much fun to create and to receive. Nice E-xamples!

  4. This is a good choice of E for Envelopeswith ABCwednesday , thank you!

    And please visit my blog for ABC day

    JoAnn from Holland

  5. I love your post ..and your E

  6. Interesting ideas for decorating envelopes.

  7. For those who don't know about Miss Yves' project I wish to explain it a little more.

    Miss Yves is collecting mail art for an exhibition in October and YOU can mail her some materia until August 28th.

    Just do an envelope about your favourite book(s) and send it to her. The address is:

    Miss Yves
    Place du Champs de Mars
    BP 330
    50000 ST LO

  8. Some collection of Envelopes!

    Thank you for the nice comment!

  9. I really like the photograph. It's a work of art as well as soulful!

  10. A great E-post from you:o)

  11. Oh these envelopes look wonderful. Great idea for E...

  12. This is wonderful! In this age of the internet, we don't receive lovely letters or cards via snail mail very often anymore. Now it's a real EVENT to get something like that! :D

  13. Thank you,for all your kind comments
    miss Yves

  14. Oh man....I never thought of envelope.....good one.

  15. That is something I had not thought to do.

  16. A load of "E"s!
    Those envelopes are very attractive.

  17. Another fabulous "E"! and so creative. nicely done.


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