jeudi, février 21, 2008

"A" for ""Ear", Etna" et... "Eiffel" - (2) ABC Wednesday

Eiffel Tower "art image repeated to infiny": mise en abyme.

The "Ear " of the Tyrant Denys of Syracusa (1 -2)

Excursion vers l'Etna

9 commentaires:

  1. Is it scary to visit Etna? It looks a long, hot walk.
    Those ears are fun!

  2. I can't answer:I did this excursion car!I fear it's very difficult
    Miss Yves

  3. It looks like a hike I would take. I would go up and up and when I got to the top I would not go near the edge (as mentioned in someone else's E, who did "edge.") Sigh! I wish I could do edges.

    When I visited Sicily many years ago we did not get that close to Etna. I remember Syracusa, but not the "ear", (especially not the big orange ears--lol.) I need to spend my old age going back to all the places I saw but didn't see.

  4. Certainly nices trips. In last November I can see the volcano "La Souffière" in Guadeloupe smoking. Our friend live not too far away from it. I prefered to admire the beautiful flowers of their garden.
    I did eleven posts about our trip in Martinique and Guadeloupe.

  5. The "Ear" of Denys is a place (a quarry) where the tyrant send prisoners ; the acoustic was very good for the spies who heard everything !Is it a legend or an historical fact? Perhaps that story comes from the shape of the caves ...Very profitous for a photomontage!
    "les murs ont des oreilles"
    miss Yves

  6. Contrairement à ce qu'on croit, il paraît que l'andouillette n'est pas calorique. J'ai vu cela à la télé. Ce reportage m'a laissée perplexe car chaque fois que j'en fais griller à la poêle, elles rendent plein de gras. C'est au barbecue que c'est bien, car la graisse tombe dans le feu.

  7. I liked that! Such a subject will never be finished.

  8. J'ai la berlue ou quoi, Je n'avais pas vu la photo de Madame le Tour. Très intéressante cette photo. L'oeil du photographe est très avisé ! Bon week-end Miss Yves !


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