samedi, avril 26, 2008

"O" for "orchid", "orchard" ABC wednesday -Round 2

Orchidée/ Lady orchid
Comment construit-elle
son froid délire organique
l'orchidée pulpeuse
miss Yves

Pâle ou rougissante
Efflorescences carnées
L'orchidée se dresse
miss Yves

Saint-Lô counts more than 250 not-profit making organizations! (Culture, sports, leisures, humanitarianism ...)
A few years ago, many of them planted fruit trees in the orchard on the ground of "La ferme de Bois Jugan"( see parmenent link)
Last sunday, it was the "spring of not profit making organizations ":a picnic was organized in this orchard , and everyone could see how to graft fruit trees .

please, visit:, visit:

17 commentaires:

  1. I guess you enjoy life, listening to your son playing while looking at that beautiful Orchid! :)


  2. Well thought out O's here.
    Really enjoyed all three - great photo's & the organ music is such a good touch1

  3. Un fils musicien, du bach, des belles fleurs et des arbres à fruits, mais elle est belle la vie chez toi !

  4. Lovely orchids, they are a special flower. The organ aswell another good choice. Great two O'S

  5. Nice post.

    Fly over and visit my ABC post.

  6. Maybe he should be playing "A whiter shade of pale" for the Orchids in the Orchard (where it looked very nice indeed)?

  7. Anonyme3:26 PM

    I did a graft on a tree once. It was really neat. Good post.

  8. What a great idea the orchard was.

    Lovely orchid and beautiful music - although I suspect it mght not be your son playing! If it is then he is excellent!

  9. The Orchard looks so sunny and peaceful, the Organist is concentrating hard, and the Orchid is busy being a beautiful, beautiful Orchid!
    Three great "O"s.

  10. Oooh the thought of a picnic and such a lovely idea too.

  11. I chose orchids too. Yours are beautiful, mine at home are not so big. My ABC ones were take in a botanical garden!

  12. Salutations de San Francisco! Very interesting choices for "O"!

  13. What a great compilation of photos here. Great "O" post today.

  14. Beautiful music to listen to as I admired the photos of the orchard and the orchids. Lovely! Merci beaucoup! :D

  15. What a beautiful orchard. The music was amazing.

  16. Mon grand'père - que je n'ai pas connu - était en spécialiste du greffage d'arbres.


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