mercredi, août 20, 2008

"E"is for"eye(s)"

I remember Bretaigne Windurst's movie"The Enforcer", with Humphrey Bogart, and the sentence "She stared at him with her big blue eyes"which was the key of the mystery .
Je me souviens de La femme à abattre (1951) thriller de Bretaigne Winderst dans lequel cette phrase, entendue deux fois :"Elle le regardait, avec ses yeux bleus"donne la clef de lnigme"à l'enqêteur, joué par Humphrey Bogart.

2-The green eyes of my neighbour's cat- Oeil félin, vert é baudelairien !
1-Brown eyes behind a fan (un éventail)-
Prunelle sombre derrière un éventail ...
3-Enormous eyes seen in a landscape : it's a pub for signs ! (Enseignes )
trange, n'est-ce pas, cette réclame pour des enseignes dans la zone industrielle ?

Mrs Nesbitt is our hostess,
please visit her blog
link for more " E"

9 commentaires:

  1. Great post on EYES! I love the cat's eyes - so big and a beautiful pale green! Come on over to see my Education post. :D

  2. Eyes, very clever and a beautiful cat too!

  3. Tes deux premières photos sont superbes.
    Les yeux du chat me rappelle une histoire : C'est un type déjà bien éméché accoudé à un bar qui demande encore un verre au barman. Ce dernier lui dit non c'est fini tu as ta dose. Non, lui dis le gars, je ne suis pas sou du tout, la preuvre, tu vois le chat qui sort, ben je lui vois bien que deux yeux. Et le barman lui répond, mais il ne sort pas, il rentre !

  4. So it wasn't you who stared at him with big brown eyes!

  5. Oi, Yves!
    My grandfather used to say that "the eyes are the windows for the soul", he has read somewhere. I agree with him, so much you sense by looking in to someone's eyes! You look cute behind that fan! :0) And that beautiful cat is wordless...


  6. The blue sky! Oh how I miss the warm times we spent in France. Great contribution.
    Keep checking the mailbox!

  7. HI again, Miss Yves! According to the artist, the Eclipse moon illustration was made with isacrylic and Berol Prismacolor Pencils on Illustration board.

    I didn't use any glasses to watch the lunar eclipse! I thought it was only for solar eclipes, am I wrong?

  8. Those cats eyes are really bright!

  9. As usual, you have a great post here. I love the cat's eyes.

    Thank you for your kindness last Wednesday.


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