lundi, mai 05, 2008

"P" for "post office" / laposte,/papierplume(s)"paper""pen," "pencil" ABC wednesday -round 2

Postcards from...
la principauté de Monaco

Post-office and pillar-boxes

Vive la poste !
Souriez: vous êtes à la poste
photomontage pour un concours d'art postal

"Autres destinations "est le titre d'un de mes blogs qui rassemble les souvenirs d'un expo d'art postal réalisée en 2005 (Cliquez ci-contre page d'accueil)

I use...paper(s) , pencils and pens to practise
mail art (Art postal)

please visit :

21 commentaires:

  1. J'aime beaucoup le clin d'oeil de Mona Lisa.

  2. A very nice "Post". I almost had to grab Pen or Pencil and Paper to write a Personal letter to Put in the Post box ;-)

  3. I think this P has particular poignancy, because we use the post so infrequently now.
    I personally love to recieve real mail, particulary postcards!

  4. Very nice Pæs. I love those penn's because I have some of them;)

    Lovely shots!

    Have fun:)

  5. Wonderful idea for "P." I had some photos of our old post office tht I almost used because it is on the historical register but went with the posies instead. I especially like your pen nibs for calligraphy!

  6. A wonderful set of P's. Nicely done!
    Rocky Mountain Retreat

  7. Great post and I enjoyed the music.
    I like the pen nibs.

    I also like pen and paper.

    Come visit,

  8. This is such an important P for you. Good Post.

  9. It`s nice to recive personal letters and postcards in the mail box. Great P! :)

  10. I love your post office choice. Very nice. I wish we had such pretty looking post boxes!
    This is my ABC.
    as well as this.

  11. Bien fait! I remember learning how to write using that type of pen. Loooooong time ago. Il y a longtemps!!! lol

  12. That is beautiful writing; did you do that?

  13. Ah... so many English Post Offices are being closed down. It's sad!

    Good ideas for "p"! I had trouble thinking of anything this week! "Q" is going to be even harder! LOL!

  14. so now I knew what a post office in France is like. thanks for sharing.

  15. very nice post for P, your are a very creative person, Yes I can also picture the post-mailbox , I have seen so many different one's , Thanks for showing...

    Please feel welcome and visit my ABC P from....

    JoAnn's D Eyes

  16. Great post! I didn't know you're an artist! ;)
    You know, my email address is from, for seven yeas already. It's very reliable and I never wanted to change it. Good to see you again!

  17. Super ce post avec la lettre à Elise en accompagnement et avec une très chouette présentation. Imagine toi que pour mon post sur mon vélo j'avais de suite pensé à la chanson de Montantd, mais à moins que je sois vraiment bigleuse, je ne l'ai pas trouvé sur deezer, alors j'ai mis Bourvil, c'est moins poétique mais plus marrant d'un autre côté.

  18. Je les avais vues tes éoliennes p,mais pas le raton laveur. C'est quoi au juste ? Un chevelure, un bonnet à poils ??

  19. Sorry for being so late...hubby took a few days off and we went off on the motorbike!

    Oooh I just love pens!


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